How Can Teachers Recognize Autistic Students and Help Them?

Posted By : Sherri Moore

We are always surrounded by people. Do you recognize their facial expressions and emotions, or their voice, or body language? We deal with all these things in our daily lives while interacting with each other, but when it is about communicating with children with autism then it is often difficult.

It is not easy to recognize the emotions of the autistic students, which makes it even more difficult in handling them. As professional educators and children, you may come across such special needs children who require special care from your side. Even parents, at times, couldn’t identify their aggressive or uncommon behaviors. Therefore, it is important to learn how to deal with such emotions and help the children.

What are the behaviors to recognize?

There are certain common attributes of the autistic children that you are supposed to recognize in order to understand what they are feeling. Then you can help by talking to them. Some of the features to look out for are:

  • Inappropriate eye contact, some of them will stare while few may avoid eye contact
  • Some students have an obsession with certain things or people as well
  • Some have difficulty in talking with people
  • Most of the pupils take extra amount of time to understand anything, be it a dialogue or an action
  • They show repetitive or ritualistic behavior, which pulls them back in taking part in daily activities of school
  • Not all the autistic students are aware of social behaviors, and so they cannot mingle in a group easily
  • Some of the students suffer from anxiety issues
  • They can behave aggressively when they are not listened to
  • Some students lack awareness of certain situations such as danger
  • Most of them appear to be above average or below average academically.

Ways to help the autistic students

Once you recognize the student’s behaviors, you can help them with the following ways.

  1. Note down the students’ strengths and weaknesses

Every child is special in own ways, you need to watch him/her carefully and make a note of each students’ plus and minus points. All that these children look for is love and care, and that should never be compromised.

  1. Connect with the kids’ mothers and fathers

While you are with the autistic students at school, there are parents at their home. You need to share what you have observed with the parents. Also, ask them their notes, homework, and their assessment. Together you can enhance the kids’ learning capacities.

  1. Get extra support

There might be more than two and three autistic children in your school, and it is not possible that you can manage them all alone. You can take help from other staff members and even from the doctors of the students.

  1. Have a plan

It is always better to be prepared when handling the students. In addition, make advanced plans of interaction and teaching the students.

Finally, just keep in mind to give unconditional love and support to the autistic students as they deserve it from you as teachers.